15 January 1996 Hi, CD to the directory with all and run the amos program "BlackCoastRaider" to get an idea on how this all fits together. It runs a lot smoother compiled so compile it if you like. I think this should run on any 1 meg chip RAM or better machine. The file BC_Tool.amos is a semi-smart program which will attempt to gather all the iff land maps into a single .abk file which the program uses. It takes a long while and probably depends that all the land maps share the same palette, currently an 8 colour palette. The 8 directional ship icons are used as sprites by the program. If you want to do more than 4 colours in improving these (great!) I will have to change the program to make these bobs. There is a single iff with all the ship icons on it called "sailboat.pic" which should be easiest to work with. Similarly, you are welcome to use all the colours you need right up to HAM on the maps but the palettes must be matched somehow. One thing: the land maps fit precisely together so _stay within the outlines_ if you want them to stay that way. If you inadvertently go out, I can make a simple program to fix it though. The other iffs are self explanatory; feel free to improve or replace them. Their palettes are independent. I hope it works. Good luck and thanks! -Daniel Miller (DM9200@appstate.edu") press "q" to exit this screen.